Trojan Wall of Fame

Emmitt M. - Middle School Football

“I would like to nominate Emmitt for the Trojan Wall of Fame for Junior High Football.  In the early part of our season, Emmitt has shown a determination to work hard at practice.  He is eager to get out on the practice field and to do his best to improve himself and our team.  Emmitt has shown a willingness to play different positions and to be a good teammate.  He is supportive and encouraging.  With his positive attitude and work ethic, Emmitt will be an important piece on our football team going forward.  Thanks, Emmitt, for your hard work thus far and keep it up!” - Coach Lowther

Addison C. - Middle School Volleyball

“Addi has been standing out as being very positive and encouraging to all her teammates during these first couple weeks of practice. Even if they make a mistake, she is still cheering them on to keep trying. She herself has been putting in great effort at improving her skills. We can't wait to watch these girls in action and work together as a team!” - Coach Ferguson

Peyton R. - High School Volleyball

“Peyton is emerging as a new leader for her team. She showed up this summer to camp, open gyms and weights - you can tell! Peyton’s love for volleyball is easy to see when you watch her on the court. She is working hard to improve her overall game and holds her teammates to the same standard. Peyton is growing to be a force to be reckoned with at the net! We can’t wait to see what the season holds for her.” - Coach Hunley

“Peyton has stepped up and started leading on the court. She rallies the team together, encourages, and helps bring positivity when times get tough! Her love for the game of volleyball is contagious!” - Coach Conant