The next student and family handbook focus will be the electronic device policy. After research and discussion, the electronic device policy has been changed so please read carefully. The entire student and family handbook can be read at: https://www.stafford349.com/documents/resources/191392
Cell phones and/or peripheral/electronic devices shall be placed into a district-assigned location in a powered-down state as directed by administration. The student will be allowed to bring the device(s) into school for the purpose of placement into the district-assigned location and will also be allowed to take the device(s) out of the building after removal from the district-issued location. This storage shall occur before the first available period of the day and shall end after the last available period of the day.
For PK-5 students, the device(s) will be turned in to the teacher prior to the beginning of the school day; the device(s) can be retrieved at the end of the school day.
For 6th-12th grade students, storage shall occur in a district-issued hall locker. This will typically occur before the first period and after the Advisory period, but may occur at different times due to unique circumstances and varying contexts (see Actions to Ensure Compliance). If at any time a cell phone and/or peripheral/electronic device(s) is identified outside of the district-issued hall locker during the school day beyond bringing it to be placed into the locker and taking it after being removed from the locker (at the earliest and latest possible times as outlined above), this will be classified immediately as a violation and will be given the appropriate consequence.
Cell Phone or Peripheral/Electronic device(s) is defined as any non-district issued device(s) that can communicate with other devices electronically or with the internet via browsers, apps, or other access methods. Some common device(s)s that would be included (although not exhaustive) with this definition would be cell phones, smart phones, smart watches, and gaming systems.
1. First Violation will result in a warning by the staff member and the student will be required to
eliminate possession.
2. Second Violation will result in the staff member confiscating the device(s) and giving it to the
office. The office will notify the parents and the student will pick up the phone at the
end of the day.
3. Third Violation will result in the staff member confiscating the device(s) and giving it to the
office. The office will notify the parents and the parent will be required to pick up
the device(s) at the end of the day.
4. Fourth and Subsequent Violations will result in progressively longer In- School Suspensions
beginning with one day for the fourth violation.
***In no manner do the aforementioned consequences limit the ability of administration to
issue more significant discipline if/when the violation involves an extreme or egregious act.***
(NOTE: If at any point a student refuses to turn over the device(s)/reveal that what has been
identified is not a device(s) to a staff member for a violation, the student immediately will be
given a one day in-school suspension-or longer for violations numbering greater than
four-effective immediately.)
Actions to Ensure Compliance
1. (In school from the beginning of the day to the end of the day-7:55 am-3:20 pm) Student
leaves the device(s) in his/her locker prior to the beginning of school. The student
takes the device(s) with them out of the building at the end of the day.
2. (In school for less than a full school day/irregular attendance on a particular day) Student
leaves the device(s) in his/her locker prior to the beginning of school. Upon leaving the building
permanently for the school day, the student is allowed to retrieve the device(s) from the locker.
The student takes the phone with them out of the building at that time.
***Administration reserves the right to interpret any unique situation and circumstance as it deems appropriate.

2023-2024 sports seasons are right around the corner. Make sure you have everything in order to participate from the first day of practice.

With the new school year quickly approaching, we are going to be sharing some highlights from the student handbook. The handbook can be found at https://www.stafford349.com/documents/resources/191392
As many begin to start some back to school shopping, dress code is first on the list. The handbook states that
The principal shall make the final determination regarding the appropriateness of a student’s appearance. Students who are inappropriately dressed will be required to change the offending clothing or appearance and will be subject to disciplinary action.
Dress code is enforced to accomplish these goals:
Maintain a safe learning environment.
Meet requirements of any courses which are a part of the approved curriculum in which students are enrolled. (Science Labs, Culinary, etc.)
Prevent students from wearing clothing with images of language depicting or advocating violence or the use of alcohol or drugs.
Prevent students from wearing clothing with offensive images or language including profanity, hate speech, and/or pornography.
Allow students choices that make them comfortable.
Ensure that all students are treated equitably.
Personal Appearance Guidelines:
Certain body parts must be covered for all students.
Clothes must be worn in a way such that genitals, buttocks, and nipples are covered with opaque material.
Students MUST wear
Bottom: Pants/ sweatpants/shorts/skirts/leggings (opaque)
Shoes: Activity-specific shoe requirements are permitted (i.e. Physical Education)
Students CANNOT wear:
Violent language or images
Images or language depicting drugs or alcohol or use of the same
Hate speech, profanity, pornography
Images or language that creates a hostile or intimidating environment
Bathing Suits
Headgear that obscures the face or ears
Hats: unless it is a part of school sponsored event
Enforcement should be consistent with our school’s overall discipline plan. Violations should be treated as minor on the continuum of school rule violations.
Enforcement for students in grades K-5 should be limited to safety and non-violence and should not include messages predicated on body maturity.
Students should never be removed from a classroom solely as a result of a dress code violation.
Students should never be forced to wear extra school clothing (that isn’t their own) when in violation of the dress code. (Much like we wouldn’t ask a student to wear a dunce cap.)
No student should be affected by dress code enforcement because of gender, race, body size, or body maturity.
Students should not be shamed or required to display their body in front of others in school. Shaming includes but is not limited to kneeling or bending over to check attire fit, measuring straps or skirt length asking students to account for their attire in the classroom, and directing students to correct a dress code violation during instructional time.
Principals shall make the final determination regarding the appropriateness of a student’s appearance.

Hello families!
The new school year is just around the corner we have something new for you! This year we are trying a new SEL curriculum: Suite360 with Navigate. Please read the attached letter for more information. More information about the student and parent platforms (that's right... you can get your own account with resources, too!) will also be available at back to school night.

Stafford County Drug is offering school supplies for PK through 6th grade. Thank you Stafford County Drug.

Our Kindergarten students are special to us, and have special enrollment requirements.

Get active Trojan Nation!

Driver's education begins on Monday in St. John. If you have signed up for driver's ed, the bus will leave at 7:30 on Monday morning. Remember: students will need to make arrangements for lunch.

Our third week of Tech Camp revolved around drones. We learned to account for yaw and pitch and to work around drift as well as code variables, loops and functions. We created obstacle courses and coded the path to get around/through them as both teams and individuals. We sure enjoyed our 3 weeks with these fantastic Trojans!

Stafford County Drug will be offering school supplies again.

Our Class of 2027 and the Junior class parents are set up and ready to serve on the east side of the school. Lots of wrap options and a tamale dinner. Come on out and support them.

Today our Tech Camp students learned about cloning sprites in their code, started flying their drones, and worked with our new virtual reality system.

Our Tech Camp students spent their break over in the elementary, contributing to the lemonade stand fundraiser for Childhood Cancer and encouraging our STARS summer camp peers in their service goals. #TeamTrojan #OneTeamOneFamily

Our Tech camp kids are learning Scratch today. They are programming the computer to play Beethoven's Ode to Joy. Later, we will learn the logic to task the computer to create simple graphics.

This great bunch of kids made kindness rocks and bookmarks for the Leisure Homestead residents. Thank you, Mrs. Scoles for all your help. Next week is our last week of Book Club. Please plan to attend!

Join Mr. Heminway for ACT Prep on Monday, June 5th from 2-4pm in his room.

Ashton Harter and Jauzalynn Blanton represented Stafford High School well over the weekend at State Track! Ashton placed 11th in shot put with a throw of 42’9.5”. Jauzalynn placed 13th in long jump with a leap of 15’0.5”.

We're having so much fun at Reading Camp! ❤️❤️❤️ Reminder no Camp tomorrow or Monday. Look at the pics for the schedule.

We have one slot left! Join us as we build robots to compete against each other in basketball, fly drones and learn to code them all!

Ready to fly drones, play basketball with robots, and code into the 21st Century? Then come join us for Tech Camp!